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Burgundy will ALWAYS hold a special place in our hearts. Some would say our love comes from the fact that this berry toned hero takes the name from the color of Burgundy Wine (from the Burgundy region of France) because frankly we feel that we are almost required by law to crush on this shade based solely on it’s resemblance to our beloved beverage.  But if we are being really honest here- we have to say that we’ve got it bad for the burg’ because she’s a jewel toned BABE! She’s a romantic goodness yielding the power of timeless decadence. And yes, we said it, we think burgundy is prob a female because she is vibrant and sultry + she demands the attention that she DESERVES. 

Look, we know you are procrastinating on doing like 5 million things to read our blog-and our hearts thank you for that- it means so much! As re-payment we are going to break this down real quick for ya, here’s 10 Things That We Love About Burgundy.

This shade might just be your next color crush too - maybe consider bringing her to your wedding as your backup bestie!

You’ve gotta friend in burgundy girl! #WCW

10 Things We Love About Burgundy 

1. Burgundy girl we love that when it comes to you + paper- the possibilities are endless!

2. And with you, so many color combinations can love together in harmony. I mean, just looking at the following duo's...

3.  Burgundy + Dusty Blue 

4. Burgundy + Gold


5. Blush & Burgundy


6. We love the gorgeous contrast that you create when paired with white! 

Image: Maura Jane Photography 

Image: Maura Jane Photography 

7. Burgundy we love that you know when to bring the cozy vibes.


8. But you also know when it’s time for the romance- You’re a timeless shade!


9. You’re a flattering color for bridesmaids + the men!




Ok ladies, we are off to celebrate this gorgeous post with a glass of you've guessed it, the best burgundy berries that this town has to offer - we've earned it!

But before we go here’s some super factual knowledge that we pulled from trust ole Wikipedia, because you know it's always nice to walk away from a blog binge feeling that you’ve gained some knowledge that you can bust out with at your next cocktail party. 

Burgundy is a dark red tending towards purple or a dark red tending towards brown. The French refer to the colour in reference to another French wine, calling this shade of red "Bordeaux". In Quebec French, this colour is called Burgundy (i.e. Bourgogne) as in English. The color burgundy is similar to other shades of dark red such as maroon, cordovan, and oxblood, but differs from each of these in subtle ways. For example, cordovan with its origin in equine leather used for shoes has a slightly fairer, lighter brown color whilst oxblood, typically used in description of clothing, in particular leather, has both a much richer red and a little more blue.

photography: Bride in dusty blue + burgundy: This Modern Romance | color swatches: design seeds | image of cake via: | Blush & Burgundy via | Burgundy + White Image via Maura Jane Photography | Burgundy Shall via Elegant Knitting on Etsy| Burgundy Bouquet via Mon Cheri Bridal | Burgundy Men's Coat: Ali Express